Bruce Nuclear Generating Station is a Canadian nuclear power station located on the eastern shore of Lake Huron, in the communities of Inverhuron and Tiverton, Ontario. The facility derives its name from Bruce County in which it is located, in the former Bruce Township.

The facility was constructed in stages between 1970 and 1987 by the provincial Crown corporation, Ontario Hydro. In April 1999 Ontario Hydro was split into 5 component Crown corporations with Ontario Power Generation (OPG) taking over all electrical generating stations. In June 2000, OPG entered into a long term lease agreement with private sector consortium Bruce Power to take over operation of the Bruce station. In May 2001, Bruce Power began operations.

The Bruce station is the largest nuclear facility in North America, and second largest in the world (after Kashiwazaki-Kariwa in Japan), comprising 8 CANDU nuclear reactors having a total output of 6,232 MW (net) and 7,276 MW (gross) when all units are online. Current output with 6 of the 8 reactors on line is 4,640 MW. The Bruce station has two 500 kV transmission lines going out of it to feed the major load centres in southern Ontario, in addition to three 230 kV lines serving the local area.

The reactors are as follows:

Bruce A
  • BRUCE A 1 (being refurbished)
  • BRUCE A 2 (being refurbished)
  • BRUCE A 3
  • BRUCE A 4

  • BRUCE B 5
  • BRUCE B 6
  • BRUCE B 7
  • BRUCE B 8

In the autumn of 2005, Bruce Power and the Government of Ontario committed to return units 1 and 2 to service, in order to help meet increasing energy demand in the province of Ontario. The project was originally estimated to cost $4.25 billion.

In 2006 and 2007, the restart project was judged to be the largest infrastructure project in Canada by ReNew Canada magazine. Estimated cost for the project later grew to $5.25 billion when Bruce Power decided to replace all 480 fuel channels in Unit 4, which will extend its working life to 2036, in line with the other 3 units of Bruce A. In 2008, due to difficulties developing the necessary robotics, the estimated cost of restarting Units 1 and 2 was raised between $400 and $700 million. The project, however, remained on schedule.

As part of a plan submitted to the Ontario Energy Board for approval, the Ontario Power Authority recommended building a new nuclear power station consisting of at least two reactors. The leading candidate is AECL's Advanced CANDU Reactor. Environmental assessments are currently underway both at Bruce and at Ontario Power Generation's Darlington Nuclear Generating Station.

Encompassed by the Bruce site is the shut-down Douglas Point reactor, an earlier version of the CANDU design.

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