The Nuclear power station Kursk located in western Russia on the bank of the Seym River about 40 kilometers west of the city of Kursk. The nearby town of Kurchatov was founded when construction of the plant began. The plant feeds the grid for Kursk Oblast and 19 other regions.

The reactors at the plant are the now obsolete RBMK type, the same type used at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The plant was originally equipped with two reactors. Four more reactors were added between 1976 and 1985.

The Kursk Nuclear Power Plant and the neighbouring town of Kurchatov stood in for the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and Pripyat for the production of the 1991 American television movie Chernobyl: The Final Warning.

The Kursk Nuclear Power Plant has six units and the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant II has one unit:

Unit Reactortype Net
Kursk 1 RBMK-1000 925 MW 1.000 MW 01.06.1972 19.12.1976 12.10.1977
Kursk 2 RBMK-1000 925 MW 1.000 MW 01.01.1973 28.01.1979 17.08.1979
Kursk 3 RBMK-1000 925 MW 1.000 MW 01.04.1978 17.10.1983 30.03.1984
Kursk 4 RBMK-1000 925 MW 1.000 MW 01.05.1981 02.12.1985 05.02.1986
Kursk 5 RBMK-1000 925 MW 1.000 MW 01.12.1985 31.12.2010 planned -
Kursk 6 RBMK-1000 925 MW 1.000 MW 01.08.1986 - -
Kursk II-1 VVER-1200/491 1000 MW 1.170 MW - - -
Kursk Nuclear Power Plant
Country Russia
Operator Energoatom
Built June 1, 1972
Start of commercial operation October 12, 1977
Reactors active 4 (4,000 MW)
Reactors under construction 1 (1,000 MW)
Reactors canceled 1 (1,000 MW)
Total power generation in 2006 22,760 GW·h
Average annual generation (last 5 yrs) 21,963 GW·h
Net generation 536,921 GW·h
Status Operating