The Novovoronezh nuclear power station is a nuclear power station close to Novovoronezh in Voronezh Oblast, central Russia. The site was vital to the development of the VVER design; every unit built was essentially a prototype of its design. On this site is built the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant II.

In 2010 Novovoronezh-5 was shut down for modernization to extend its operating life for an additional 30 years, the first VVER-1000 to undergo such an operating life extension. The works include the modernization of management, protection and emergency systems, and improvement of security and radiation safety systems.

The Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant has five units:

Unit Reactortype Net
Novovoronezh-1 VVER-210 (prototype) 197 MW 210 MW 31.12.1964 16.02.1988
Novovoronezh-2 VVER-365 (prototype) 336 MW 365 MW 14.04.1970 29.08.1990
Novovoronezh - 3 VVER-440/179 385 MW 417 MW 29.06.1972 2016 planned
Novovoronezh-4 VVER-440/179 385 MW 417 MW 24.03.1973 2017 planned
Novovoronezh-5 VVER-1000/187 (Prototype) 950 MW 1000 MW 20.02.1981 life-extended in 2010

Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant
Country Russia
Status Operational
Construction began 1957
Commission date December 31, 1964
Operator(s) Energoatom

Reactor information
Reactors operational 2 x 417 MW
1 x 1000 MW
Reactors decom. 1 x 210 MW
1 x 365 MW

Power generation information
Annual generation 12,523 GW·h
Net generation 348,579 GW·h